Organizers Take on the recent closure of two Cash Mobbed Businesses!

As the organizer of Cash Mob 97457, I  Paulette Jones would like to make a statement.
If you haven't heard we have now lost two businesses that were mobbed.  We have lost Cash Mob #3 Ignoffo's Italian Bistro and Cash Mob #4 The Chicken Place. 
My feeling on this, at first, was of great upset.  I want so badly for our area to be thriving and the idea of Cash Mob was to "help businesses who are struggling."  At first, I thought we could, by having this mob, save their business forever.  That was a great thought, but not realistic.  The Cash Mob is still, in my eyes, a fantastic way of bringing people together to support and learn about businesses in our area.
Today, I feel it is more important that EVER, to keep the Cash Mob alive and to GROW!  We need to remember that by having the Cash Mob we are not only helping already struggling businesses, but we NEED TO GET THE WORD OUT, so that people may be able to continue shopping in these treasures!
Cash Mobbers, We are loosing our businesses and one thing that makes Myrtle Creek such a great area, Great Customer Service, by LOCAL people that we live with, shop with and become Friends with!  PLEASE HELP US by getting the word out, Making the next MOB a big success and telling anyone who will listen about supporting our LOCAL businesses. Facebook it, tweet it, phone it, text it-Please share SHOP LOCAL INFO. 
WE are living in a time with struggling Mom & Pop shops and it would be sad to lose them all, especially when it is easier to keep one open then bring in a new one.
I adore our Cash Mob and I tip my hat to the businesses who have remained in our community during these times of struggle, but it is UP TO US TO SAVE THEM, SUPPORT THEM, and PRAISE THEM FOR THEIR WORK AND DEDICATION TO OUR COMMUNITY!!!
Thank you for your time.
Paulette Jones

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